Plagued with a feeling of overwhelming disparity.
School starts, and all of a sudden time accelerates to a speed that I’m not prepared for. Trying to accomplish what I want, speak my mind, fulfill goals, reach deadlines, create, ride, generate income, and all that shit I’ve put on my to do list has started to escalate.
Delays in processing, having errors in 4 by 5, running out of time for gestural abstraction questions, dulling my head with mundane Photoshop exercises that aren’t really putting my brain in great mental shape.
Slacking on entries, lacking with someTHING for now, concentrating on then, thinking about what can, will and should be.
distracted temporarily for hopefully a small amount of time.
Waiting for studio experience, while still attempting to retain a little bit of those sane characteristics that keep me calm.
Waiting for studio experience, while still attempting to retain a little bit of those sane characteristics that keep me calm.
At least I ride a bike and don’t have to deal with this shit: seeing way to much red.
When you're a person of many many ideas, goals, aspirations and such....they tend to get blocked together, in the desire to accomplish all instantly. The best advice I've had, yet to be followed, is to take things once at a time. Immerse yourself fully into a limited number of projects, give yourself free time every day to sit and not think, and to write down all your ideas even if you are unable to begin work on them. Breathe and enjoy what you do, rather than worrying about what you're not.
Thanks for the breather. Sometimes its a 3rd party who can observe and put things into perspective. Enjoy what you have right now.
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