Monday, August 28, 2006

social CHANGE

I have concluded that contemporary art has become more about a person’s deep depth of ideas and their respective ability to thoroughly hide underlying meaning than to expose the truth of the world and society that we live in. Sometimes I feel that the deeper and more confusing it is, the more poplarity it gains, as if it were only to be apprectiated by intellectuals or those with formal art educations. For some, this is fine, and that’s alright. Everyone has their own ideas and thoughts and methods of fulfilling their creative desires and I am by no means entitled to bash upon their imaginative endeavors. Furthermore, I’m not trying to talk shit about the art community and the artwork that is being produced, but I have come to believe that my mind resides in a different territory and my creativity follows a completely different path.

I don’t like fads, I don’t like pop culture, and those that get caught up in it will suddenly switch with the click of the TV remote and completely lose any ability to fully appreciate the truth in themselves. For that very reason, I don’t like making art that falls under this contemporary, modern, fashionable and trendy ideal. Art should not be beautiful because it appeals to the popularity of the masses or because it is in style. Sometimes I hate that it is.

Social change is what I find to be most beautiful; art with a genuinely sincere purpose to expose malice in the world.

If you feel me, check these links out...

The Snowsuit Effort
Oveous Maximus
you ARE beautiful
REthink (I have this book if anyone is interested in browsing through it)

Christpher Anderson
Born INTO Brothels
Jacob Riis

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Biking, trekking, sweating, with my heart thumping and heavily pulsing to my rhythmic breaths.

Debris piles ahead like abandoned thrones of ancient stones neglected by all except the progress of time. Rusted by the pound of weather; beautifully stagnant and pristine; untouched except by my two eyes.

I look, gaze, and see a never ending maze of paths, shrubs, wooden clubs, branches, limbs, rusted metal oxidized to the bone, pieces to puzzles of non existent troubles cause that what I’m feeling… Free that is.

Freedom explores the forgotten pieces of untracked floors and unkempt doors of abandoned buildings, tumbling, and crumbling brick falling onto cracked concrete, erupting from below.

Desolate, dirty, eerie; my solitude existence soiled by no ones presence. Crouching down, seeing, exploring, and noticing the unnoticed. My reflexes sensing and reacting to every sound thud and pound.

Support beams no longer supporting, railroad ties no longer tying, dead trees and plants no longer crying for life, faded graffiti seen by no one but the sun’s light. Here I am, little ole me, testing the test of time, silently and stilly disrupting what I can't call mine.

One sticky footprint in wet mud, one more distant car produced thud, one more rusted rod, and one more heart throb of satisfaction. Back to point one, the sun setting, me feeling none less than the best, hop on my bike, head west… spiritualized, invigorated, thrilled.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

friday isTHE day

My ride home last night, despite the rain, was quite invigorating. A slow mellow refreshing fall almost entirely eliminated the humidity that had been clogging my pores all morning and afternoon. This thickness of added drag vanished with my pedal produced wind while the combination of it being Friday, the lake to my right and the thoughts of a relaxing night induced nothing but smiles and satisfaction. Pure thoughts of pleasure with a wide ass grin for people passing by who want an accurate measure of my present gain while having no thoughts of the plagued physical pain I have recently encountered.

So, beer a shower and pizza magically do the trick and The Beatles giving me that needed kick of rhythm to activate my rate to finish my ridiculously full plate of chorizo and onion pie from the best stuffed pizza in the Chi, Stefano’s. The White Sox lose and I turn to the monitor to ignite a fuse seeking an interesting infestation of art, hoping to take my mind off the loss, my nose out of my nasty ass farts and discover an update from the boss of Photoshop and creation in general. Brian Barnhart has thankfully added some of his finest work to the site, giving, showing and expressing his optimum might. So I peer and smile and laugh at Apple River’s ridiculous drunken bash, reminiscing about last weekend’s friendly wrath of fun.

It took a mental toll, drinking to night’s end, reaching for the tallest, highest, and hardest to reach tops of the totem pole. Pushing and stretching our stomachs and heads, sort of wishing that we had more comfortable beds and a flush toilet with no splash back. But in the end, it’s all about the experience and I can’t complain because in the future I would definitely do it all over again.

But, the adds are splendid and ripe cause they are the type of images that can make heads turn. Slightly manipulated, inducing second glances and forcing people to squint as if they needed glasses. Which is the ultimate goal, making something a little more inviting than the next or last; to leave an everlasting impression on whomever is taking time to pass, giving them incentives to make a return trip.

I’m out and hopefully I will see you in the future.


Saturday, August 19, 2006

for starters

I had this idea for some time, not necessarily to make a blog, but to create an outlet for the masses to discover. MySpace just wasn’t doing it for me. I will continue to update, modify, use, and communicate through it, but the majority of my web-based happenings will be conducted here for the time being. I'm not wholly concerned about what direction this little experiment follows, but for starters, I think my first naive goals are to assemble a spot where I can vent, ramble, post pics, converse, meet and expose to the world whatever I see fitting. I need to write, document, collaborate, keep in touch, create relationships, exercise my mind, minimize fear, maximize love, practice typing, explore possibilities and all that type of shit to stay sane in this technology based society we live in. So here it is.....

The plan is to post some words about my day, my life, my experiences, discoveries, emotions and assist them with links that represent those respective thoughts in the best way I think possible. As we all know, there is a lot of substance on the web, and not only is appreciating it absolutely essential today, but by using it to help describe ideas inevitably make things a little clearer, slightly more visual and much easier to comprehend. The only problem is creating a method that cohesively brings these themes together. A solution that I believe to be great start is this blog.