Wednesday, September 13, 2006


NO matter how complicated things become, I have always found my solstice within Photography. It's where I discover most of my success.


At 10:23 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

happy to see this entry after the last... it all works out. someone i know always says that, oh yeah that's right it's you! i'm glad you figured out the problem with developing the photos. it's too bad the others didn't turn out. but it's nice that you can go back since you made such a good impression on the man. these look very nice by the way. awesome how you can change the plane of focus like that. i never really understood why use a 4x5 till i saw your photos and you showed me what it could do. you can really mess with perspective and it's all in the camera not digital at all. by the way, i really enjoy your quote.


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